Hi Rachel. I can't believe, after reading some of the things you write on your Substack, that you're describing the experience of coming across a review of a movie you were in as "surreal." Girl, you've got surreal coming out of your ears. I also very much enjoyed your film "Wendy/Gigi" which you link to on your Substack, so I'm glad you commented and I discovered what you've been up to.
Umm ok, this is surreal. Hi, Rachel Music here.
Hi Rachel. I can't believe, after reading some of the things you write on your Substack, that you're describing the experience of coming across a review of a movie you were in as "surreal." Girl, you've got surreal coming out of your ears. I also very much enjoyed your film "Wendy/Gigi" which you link to on your Substack, so I'm glad you commented and I discovered what you've been up to.